Universal Design for Learning
Posted by Jean Marrapodi on Thu, 12/08/2016 – 13:25 Have you ever dragged your suitcase up a ramp to avoid schlepping it up the stairs? Ridden an elevator rather than exercise your way up six flights? Opened a door with your elbow? If you have, you’ve leveraged…
Happy Thanksgiving from All of Us at Illumina
Posted by Jean Marrapodi on Wed, 11/23/2016 – 13:54 To all our friends and colleagues, Can you believe Thanksgiving and the holiday season are upon us already? Doesn’t it seem that 2016 just flew by? At this time of year many of us like to take a…
Course Updates: Planning Prevents Problems
Posted by Jean Marrapodi on Thu, 11/17/2016 – 10:33 Have you ever needed to revise an existing course? Perhaps some facts changed, or the opener with a video of the CEO needs to be replaced because she has retired, or (heaven forbid!) your company has rebranded itself…
Irresistible Introductions: The Value Added Hook
When you were in English 101, more than likely, your professor taught you about the thesis statement, and the structure of an essay, which includes the introduction, body, and conclusion. If you took a journalism course, you learned that every article must lead with a…
Illuminating Ideas – Join the Journey
Posted by Jean Marrapodi on Thu, 10/06/2016 – 16:26 Welcome to the inaugural edition of Illumina Interactive’s blog: Illuminating Ideas. Twice a month, we’ll be writing about learning: sharing our stories, exploring best practices, and wrestling with new ideas and trends in the marketplace. The Illumina Creatives:…