Happy Thanksgiving from All of Us at Illumina
Posted by Jean Marrapodi on Wed, 11/23/2016 – 13:54
To all our friends and colleagues,
Can you believe Thanksgiving and the holiday season are upon us already? Doesn’t it seem that 2016 just flew by? At this time of year many of us like to take a step back and reflect on all that we’re thankful for. Of course, I’m thankful for my wonderful wife, children, parents, family, friends and colleagues, for all that we’ve been through together this year and all that the future has in store.

As Illumina’s president and founder, I’m also thankful for being able to spend time with a team of creative, hard-working e-learning professionals who are proud of their work and absolutely love doing their best for our great clients. And I’m thankful for those clients – dedicated and demanding all of them – who have been great to collaborate with and who appreciate the contributions we make towards bringing their visions to reality.
I wish a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and your families and friends!

“I’m grateful for the spirit of inquiry and exploration that drives everyone, young and old, to discover truths and solutions to issues great and small. Watch a child and see how hard-wired they are to learn. It’s the essence of what we humans do. And you know what? It might just be the key to progress for us all.” -Hal

“I give thanks for the second chances to learn things I wasn’t smart or ready enough to appreciate earlier.” -Jim

“I am grateful for friends who walk beside me, spunky grandchildren, and ongoing learning opportunities.” -Jean

“With 2 toddlers, I am thankful for Mickey Mouse and Thomas the Train. They bring peace into my home.” -Karen

“I am most grateful for David Ortiz.” -Carrie

“I’m thankful that I’m able to work with such a wonderful and talented group of people!” -John

“At this special time of year, I’m thankful for family, friends, and good health! Have a wonderful holiday!” -Maggie

“I am grateful for my mother’s stuffing recipe, Amazon Prime, and the Oxford comma.” -Mary Ellen

“I am thankful for my friends and family whom I can share time with.” -Ashley
From all of us, to all of you, as we count our blessings, we are glad that you are part of them.
Happy Thanksgiving!