Temkin Group, a leader in providing Customer Experience (CX) knowledge, skills, and consulting to its clients, has rolled out a new portal for CX Institute.  The portal supports two types of clients:  corporations, involving a number of staff members in CX initiatives and training, and individual learners, looking for additional expertise.  Illumina built the portal using the open-source Moodle platform, with support for e-commerce via Paypal integration and also particular features to allow Temkin Group to create branded mini-sites within the portal for corporate clients looking to have their own area with selected materials available to their involved staff.  The portal also showcases two new courses, Customer Experience Foundations and Creating a Customer-Centric Culture, developed by Illumina for Temkin Group.  The courses feature immediate immersion in CX situations, multiple presentation techniques including whiteboard animations, and a wide range of engaging interactivities. To access the CX Institute, go to www.cxinstitute.com.