State Street Bank:
Systems Training for Workflow-and-Role-Based Software Application
The Challenge:
State Street Corporation required a set of training modules to roll out along with a new software application that would be used for incident capture and management reporting. The software would be workflow-driven and accessed by five different levels of users: those reporting, those reviewing, those approving, higher-level management and more. Covering all the topics would put the course at between 75 and 90 minutes of total time, with the application still under development when training production began, on a very tight timeframe.
The Solution:
Illumina partnered closely with the State Street project manager to develop a Camtasia and Storyline solution that yielded a single Storyline course consisting of 22 modules, organized by role. All learners could access overviews of the system, but for the heart of the training learners were able to access just the specific lessons they needed, depending upon their role in the incident capture system and the steps they needed to take. The entire course, with professional narration, was produced and readied for launch within six weeks.
What our clients say about us
“They are quick to understand and adapt as the specs have evolved over time. Being flexible and responsive is a huge benefit. Because a lot of clients don’t know what they need at the outset, the Illumina team is good at co-creating that solution and making informative recommendations.” Rebecca Jackson Stoeckle Deputy Center Director, Center for Research on High Risk Behavior Health and Human Development Division, Education Development Center