DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness: Mass Casualty Incident Triage
The Challenge:
Boston Public Health Commission’s DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness has to train first responders to be ready for multiple victim situations. The course needed to train learners on mass casualty incident (MCI) management and review the tasks involved in MCI triage.
The Solution:
By completing this course, providers of varying clinical experience learn to effectively and efficiently assign a triage category to MCI patients. The course concludes with a series of interactive scenarios to practice the application of course concepts. The course was under development at the time of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings, which required emergency responders to put these principles into action.
What our clients say about us
“They are quick to understand and adapt as the specs have evolved over time. Being flexible and responsive is a huge benefit. Because a lot of clients don’t know what they need at the outset, the Illumina team is good at co-creating that solution and making informative recommendations.” Rebecca Jackson Stoeckle Deputy Center Director, Center for Research on High Risk Behavior Health and Human Development Division, Education Development Center