Since introducing its Unconscious Bias e-learning modules 18 months ago, IBIS and Illumina have successfully deployed these award-winning courses to many corporations, associations, non-profits, government agencies, and educational institutions.  Clients include Interpublic Group, Rabobank, Sandia Labs, Walmart, Olympus, Alix Partners, American University, Vanderbilt and others. The series consists of four modules – an introduction to unconscious bias, and specific modules on recruiting and hiring, career development, and establishing a culture of inclusion. The modules echo the diversity theme, with a broad range of visual presentation approaches and of learner interactivities, to engage users with different learning styles. In addition to working with IBIS to create the modules, Illumina has helped many IBIS customers with customizations and integration with their learning management systems. For a demo of the Unconscious Bias Series, see